Moody meets: Fat Buddha Yoga founder Jessica Skye

Written by Moody

What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning?

I'm trying to NOT check my phone. The current goal is to give myself 30 minutes screen free time to get my head in the game for the day.

How has yoga changed your life and health?

Firstly, it keeps me fit. It's changed my body for the better and taught me to listen to my inner voice. It's also been the most incredible vehicle to get my teeth into running a business and an awesome opportunity to connect with some really amazing people.

How do you manage your moods especially through your cycle?

I'm super aware! I rarely get PMS, but every so often it creeps up on me. Sometimes I gauge it and can rationalise my rage. But sometimes I see red! And I only realise what happened a week later.

You speak about experiencing adrenal fatigue. Can you tell us about your experience and recovery?

I would teach my clients to relax and take time for themselves, but I was doing the complete opposite! It was so physically exerting running around London. Also, I’d DJ 3 times a week whilst trying to maintain a social life. I'd feel exhausted, the worse thing is I pushed through it. I couldn't recover no matter how much sleep I had or coffee I drank. I'd forget things, try to open my front door with my Oyster card, eat bad food for fuel while on the go, then be too tired or busy to see friends... I lost all life balance.

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If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

I'd make it peaceful with less pollution.

Lastly, other than yoga, what is your tip for staying balanced?

Eat Well. Travel Often. Do things and see people who make you happy. Follow your dreams. Don't give a damn what people think.

words by Tskenya Frazer

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