Moody Meets: Melissa Hemsley

Age 31 but 32 (IN 2 DAYS YIKES) so we'll go with 32

When you feel low, what is the music you play to pull yourself out of it?

GYPSY KINGS because it's joy and if I need an instant, need to get out the door and sort myself out in 3 mins.... 90's GARAGE

Why and how did you find out about hormones and what did this mean for you?

When I was 13 and my periods were so heavy and painful I had to stay home from school. I was so embarrassed, felt mortified my mum used the word 'dysmanorreah' in a school letter and got put on the Pill and noone wanted to talk about it!

Describe your current state of wellbeing (mind, body, mood, health)

I'm completely knackered as just finishing some big year long projects (book, building a house yada yada) so I'm making time here on for ME time and because I know myself and my autumn heaviness, my SAD and how it gets me every year, I've booked into some lovely things to look forward to - my feel good pick me ups - talks and workshops with great people, ordered a load of aromatherapy candles and oils, and on the look out for the best hot water bottle, cooking days with girlfriends when we're going to fill our freezers so we have some comfort food in the house

How do you know when things start to feel out of whack?

When my gut goes, when I think I'm too busy to go to the toilet, when I snap.

What are your specific triggers or environments?

Airports, blood sugar levels dropping, if I haven't had breakfast I'm a bitch, rushing, the tube, my phone being at 8% battery! Not digitally detoxing enough! Now i turn my phone off at 10pm (as much as poss). My period coming - I try to keep my work diary as free as poss so I can look after myself more. And I get the fear of god that I'm going to bleed through my clothes!!

What's your top tips for balancing your hormones and cycles health?

More sleep, go to bed earlier and wake up earlier to get max light in the winter, nourishing home cooked food (a simple soup) - cook with a friend once every 2 weeks and share - both the food and the act of cooking and creating something from scratch can be a mood lifter - do nice things that you like - try to avoid sugar - a punchy ginger tea is great for cravings and digestion - move (whether that be stretching from a YouTube video or a really sweaty workout) - get outside and get fresh air (borrow someones dog if you dont have your own - my dog is my number 1 instant mood lifter.

Describe your current mood, today and this month

Right now, excited! So excited for MOODY and love that you're asking these questions, noone asks me these, love that these conversations are happening. I'm happy as my bday coming up so I've got a date with my mum this weekend and i've made some 'not too high expectation-y' intentions for my year ahead

How would you describe your relationship with your moods?

Increasingly understood. I'm a virgo perfectionist, I'm do-gooding, people pleaser. But I'm aware of it. Mood wise, I can feel my triggers, I know my blood sugar levels and I know how to watch out for my adrenalin overloading and I'm getting that bit better every few months and managing them and most importantly trying to be kind and patient with myself when I go overboard

If you're feeling low how do you pull yourself out of it?

Whoops, answered most above (food, sleep, outdoors) but to add a few more - talk or if you can't pick up the phone and speak, have a WhatsApp group with your best listeners in it - some of our friends might be better at this than others (no judgement) but I know which friends are best for this and sometimes I just send an emoticon and they come to the rescue with some great WhatsApp chat

Nominate three friends that should visit Moody

1. Nicky Clinch (I'm on my way to her heart opening workshop and you are all going to love each other 2. Emma Gannon (let's get you on her podcast) 3. Emma Cannon (I know their names together kill me - fertility expert and all round incredible bean) 4. Eve Kalinik

What would your famous last words be?

More cheese, please

IG @Melissa.Hemsley 

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